Erin Ko

is an artist, futurist, and mystic storyteller.

Her practice consists of layers; splicing art, technology, and satire to explore the changing nature of our world.

Her current passion project is an immersive XR rock opera, called The Verse” ⚡️Learn More⚡️

Artist’s Statement

“Future and ancient, natural and artificial, seductive and scary; our strange and modern lives are driven by juxtaposition and synthesis. To live in the “now” is to live in a strange and surreal state of being. Reality has subsumed fantasy, life imitates art and vice-versa with a whole new level of intensity; together we ride this roller coaster feedback loop. 

Mediated Reality, Layered Reality, Transcendence Through Technology; if we believe ourselves separate, allow ourselves to split apart from each other and our own nature via lenses intensely curated by our own collective narcissism, where will the cult of the individual lead us? At what point does it end?

There is no such thing as science fiction; all our stories, dreams, beliefs are simultaneously true and entirely delusional.